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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

[vinnomot] Re: [mukto-mona] Fwd: Bangladeshi newspaper article on US Presidential Election

     Senator McCain will run as Bush's third term according to Senator Barack Obama. Most voters believe that except few diehard Republicans. Senator McCain wanted to keep U.S. soldiers in Iraq for hundred years, But while he realized that voters dislike this idea, he changed his pledge  and promised to keep U.S. soldiers for 4 more years until his term ends.He removed 96 years from his promise.This also became unproductive idea to most voters.

    The reality is that President Bush's disapproval rate is 79 percent now and a historical low rating for any U.S. President.and gradually dicreasing and will definitely hurt Bush's friend Senator McCain . Past three congressional election result proved that fact after they(Republicans) lost three republican held seats in two months.

 Voters became fadeup with the republican misrule of the past eight or so years, they want 'real change' and only a democrate can bring that change and I do strongly believ that young senator from Illinois Senator Barack Obama can bring that change.

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