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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Re: [vinnomot] Article 2 : Does science make belief in Allah/God obsolete?

learn the differnence among creation,invention , discover.
 Why the creator  is not used anyone, any scientists, inventor, discoverer?
 then everything will be clear to you.'
 no more response from me.

S Turkman <> wrote:
So what you are saying is, Computers, Radios, TVs, Refrigerators, Trains, Aeroplanes etc already existed. Scientists didn't invent them. They just discovered the machianism of all those things lying around, copied and replicated the process.
Thanks for letting me know and teaching me that us Moslims are only good to make babies, argue rest of our lives, keep creating new stupid Philosophies and keep re-inventing our religion.
Allaho Akbar ...!
Learn all Moslims, nobody can invent or create anything "Scientists create nothing new" since they are not Moslims.

mahathir of bd <> wrote:
i will not spend more time in debate with you.
Just one question , has any scienctist created any metal ot silica used in phone, computer whatever you say?
 have any  scientist ceated the wave that is used in communication?
   My point is clear, Scientists uncover or discover mechanism or porceses  created byThe  Creator and then copy or replicate the process,  "create nothing new"

S Turkman <> wrote:
Well if Science is nothing but Human Knowledge God is nothing but a Theory and also Religion is nothing but Human Knowledge also. Could you tell me, why should we glorify one on the top of other then or put down one and glorify the other?
Like I said earlier, if you hate Science because its competing with Religion, why don't you go back to Stone Age refusing to use anything that Science has invented?
You are telling me, Cloning is what already exists. What about Mobile Phones, TV, Computers, Refregerators, Air Conditions, Electric Generators, Cameras, Trains, Auto Mobiles etc?
Did they exist naturally also and we just found out about them because Science is just Knowledge, ... not research, not development, not trial & error, hard work, use of brain, ingenuis ideas, intuition etc?
Have we been developing all this by studying some religion?
Why can't we keep our religious belief separate from Science and Politics as our personal matter instead of imposing on others? 

mahathir of bd <> wrote:
Mr. Turkman,
I hope , i know more about cloning than you  as i  have studied microbiology , now studying biotechnology.
 I have not denied science . what i said science is nothing but human knowledge and experience.Without human  science has no existance.
And Cloning is not creation of life. Because  it uses already developed cell and  replace the egg's  DNA by DNA of other cell.then the egg with new DNA is transfered into the womb of a mother. Scientist have not created any new environment , mechanism  for the development of the embro. They try to give natural enviroment as more as they can. When the can not, cloning fails. So this is in no way a creation.  mere exchange of DNA is not creation of life man...............
So Scientists  is not creating nothing new. They are just discovering(removing cover  of ) natural process)  and replicating natural process,not creating new.
Only scientist like you can say it creation of life. 

S Turkman <> wrote:
Be careful, what you say about Jinn of Science. Humans err, not Science. 2 + 2 are always going to be 4.
Allah said in Qoraan, "Can they tell tomorrow's weather?"
You know now we can. Allah said in Qoraan, "Can they tell gender of fetus in the womb?"
Of course we can now using Ultra Sound. Yesterday's Mollaa's said, "Can Science create Life?"
Of course now we can. By Cloning. Why are you so ignorant?
Which world do you live in sir?
Don't you know, Sheeps had been cloned more than a decade ago?
We can even create Humans by Cloning but since its un-ethical, USA and European Governments have banned Human Cloning.
If you are so much against Science, why don't you go back to Bull Cart and Kerosene Lamp days because you are using everything that Science created including your Keyboard and Computer ...! 
Allah says, 'Learn ...!'. He does not say deny existance of Science.

mahathir of bd <> wrote:
Is science itself an entity?????????????????????????????????????????????
Science itself is not an entity.
Scienence is nothing  but human knowledge about something.  And human knowledge is always is erronous. Human knowldge  about human body is called Human biology or something like that.
Science does not create human body , it just study human body and acquire knowledge through this study that is called science.
.Actualy science can not create anything. Science it self has declared that the is no creation of energy, mere transformation. And energy is central to all, so science can create nothing. 
 So should  we be boastful  so much on being scientist?

Moham Engineer <> wrote:
Article 2 : Does science make belief in Allah/God obsolete?
Yes, of course  - speaks a psychologist
While discussing "Science" I mean the entire enterprise of secular reason and knowledge (including history and philosophy), not just people who working in their white lab coats,
create babies within test tubes.
Traditionally, a belief in an Allah/God was attractive because it promised to explain the deepest puzzles about origins. Where did the world come from? What is the basis of life? How can the mind arise from the body? Why should anyone be moral?

Yet over the millennia, there has been an inexorable trend: the deeper we probe these questions, and the more we learn about the world in which we live, the less reason there is to believe in an Allah/God.

Start with the origin of the world. Today no honest and informed person can maintain that the universe came into being a few thousand years ago and was made by an Allah/God in six days (to say nothing of the questions like day and night existing before the sun was created). Nor is there a more abstract role for an Allah/God to play as the ultimate first cause. This trick simply replaces the puzzle of "Where did the universe come from?" with the equivalent puzzle "Where did Allah/God came from/who created this Allah/God?"

What about the fantastic diversity of life and its ubiquitous signs of design? At one time it was understandable to name an Allah/God designer as creatoe of it all. No longer. Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace showed how the complexity of life could arise from the physical process of natural selection among replicators, and then Watson and Crick showed how DNA replication itself could be understood in physical terms. Notwithstanding religious creationist propaganda, the evidence for evolution is overwhelming, including our DNA, the fossil record, the distribution of life on earth, and our own anatomy and physiology.

For many people the human soul feels like a divine spark within us. But neuroscience has shown that our intelligence and emotions consist of intricate patterns of activity in the trillions of connections in our brain thus creating the so-called divine spark. However, relabeling the brain activity with the word "soul" adds nothing to our understanding.

People used to think that biology could not explain why we have a conscience. But the human moral sense can be studied like any other mental faculty, such as thirst, color vision, or fear of heights. Evolutionary psychology and cognitive neuroscience are showing how our moral intuitions work, why they evolved, and how they are implemented within the brain.

This leaves morality itself—the benchmarks that allow us to criticize and improve our moral intuitions. It is true that neither science nor an Allah/God can show what is right or wrong. It's not just that the traditional Judeo-Christian God or Islamic Allah endorsed genocide, slavery, rape, and the death penalty for trivial insults. It's that morality cannot be grounded in a fictional divine decree, not even on mere abstract principle. Why did a fictional Allah/God arbitrarily deem some acts moral and others immoral? When even his existance is an illusion, we have no reason to trust such a divine whim, why should we take this fictional being's commandments seriously?

Those reasons are found in the nature of rationality as it is exercised by any intelligent human society. The essence of morality is the concept of reciprocity and the collectivity of humans being watchful of other's behaviour. The fact that as soon as I appeal to you to help me when I am in need, or not to hurt me for no reason, I have to be willing to apply the same standards to you. That is the only policy that is logically consistent and makes both of us as well as the society in geberal better off. And an Allah/God plays no role in it.

For all these reasons, it's no coincidence that European democracies have experienced three sweeping trends during the past few centuries: barbaric religious practices (such as slavery, sadistic criminal punishment, and the mistreatment of children) have decreased significantly; scientific and scholarly understanding has increased exponentially; and belief in an Allah/God has decreased. Science, in the broadest sense, is making belief in God obsolete, and we are the better for it.

তত্ববধায়কদের তাবেদারদের জুতা দিয়ে পিটাও, জেলে যাও, তিনবেলা নিশ্চিন্তে খাও

তত্ববধায়কদের তাবেদারদের জুতা দিয়ে পিটাও, জেলে যাও, তিনবেলা নিশ্চিন্তে খাও

তত্ববধায়কদের তাবেদারদের জুতা দিয়ে পিটাও, জেলে যাও, তিন! ;ব েলা নিশ্চিন্তে খাও

তত্ববধায়কদের তাবেদারদের জুতা দিয়ে পিটাও, জেলে যাও, তিনবেলা নিশ্চিন্তে খাও

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