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Sunday, June 22, 2008

[vinnomot] Internet addiction is a 'clinical disorder'-read COMMENTS interesting!!

Obsessive internet use is a public health problem which is so serious it should be officially recognised as a clinical disorder, according to a leading psychiatrist.

British psychiatrists have previously reported that between five and 10 per cent of online users are internet addicts

Sufferers spend unhealthy amounts of time playing online games, viewing pornography or emailing.

They suffer four symptoms: They forget to eat and sleep; they need more advanced technology or more hours online as they develop 'resistance' to the pleasure given by their current system; if they are deprived of their computer, they experience genuine withdrawal symptoms; And in common with other addictions, the victims also begin to have more arguments, to suffer fatigue, to get lower marks in tests and to feel isolated from society.

Gadget addiction: The symptoms


Early research into the subject found highly educated, socially awkward men were the most likely sufferers but more recent work suggests it is now more of a problem for middle-aged women who are spending hours at home on their computers.

Psychiatrist Dr Jerald Block said some sufferers were so addicted to the internet that they required medication or even hospital treatment to curb the time they spent on the web.

He said: "The relationship is with the computer. It becomes a significant other to them. They exhaust emotions that they could experience in the real world on the computer through any number of mechanisms: emailing, gaming, porn."

He added: "It's much more acceptable for kids to talk about game use, whereas adults keep it a secret. Rather than having sex, or arguing with their wife or husband, or feeding their children, these adults are playing games."

Dr Block, of the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, in the USA, first made the claims in an editorial for the American Journal of Psychiatry.

British psychiatrists have previously reported that between five and 10 per cent of online users are internet addicts.

1. Posted by Kim on June 22, 2008 12:39 PM

Horse hockey!! The internet is the last bastion of freedom of the press and true information. The global elite and military/industrial/pharmaceutical complex don't want an educated populace. The old soviet union used psychiatry to label dissidents with a "mental disorder" as an excuse to send them to the gulags. Enough already!

2. Posted by Ken on June 22, 2008 12:02 PM

The internet if left unregulated will ultimately accelerate the quest for truth and justice. It is the only communications medium that even approaches the concept of democracy. Certainly the 'mainstream' is largely controlled by a small number of people with massive corporate interest. The good news is that the mainstream is slipping and alternative media, largely on the internet is gaining more traction. Historically, most people have been addicted to a very biased mainstream media. The internet is indeed refreshing and food grade hydrogen peroxide is good for you.

3. Posted by RezDuane on June 22, 2008 12:01 PM

Oh yeah! Here we go with ANOTHER "clinical disorder." What a load of crap! It's a lack of self control.
You're right in concluding that the psychoanalysts are naming this so that another group of people will become dependent on so-called therapy.
Whatever happened to personal responsibility and common sense?

4. Posted by jm4847 on June 22, 2008 11:57 AM

I'm sorry, but all I see here is people choosing to live their lives in a different way. So what if it's not conventional? So what if it's not what society expects? If a loner or whoever wants to spend their time like that instead of dating or getting married and having kids, what's the harm? Let people live their lives as they see fit and stop trying to label anyone who isn't "normal" as an "addict" or whatever just so you can cash on those who are insecure enough to believe you.

5. Posted by jj star on June 22, 2008 11:56 AM

Everything in moderation.

Oh and psychiatrists are people with paper on the walls say they're qualified but in all reality they can't cure shit.

People - get educated on the soul and its technology. Science is just another word for guesswork and we deserve so much more.

6. Posted by atwitsend on June 22, 2008 11:50 AM

yes, I am addicted to searching out criminal shrinks, drug companies that make poison to alter the lives of our young children. I am addicted to outing the criminals of our government and medical establishment. I am guilty of educating myself on natural cures for their created diseases.
I am addicted to knowledge. the biggest library I can find is on the net. I am addicted to reading. I am addicted to educating my friends on the lies of our leaders.
I am guilty of addiction to love and peace on earth. I am addicted to self empowerment.

say no to the Drug of TV..... propaganda.

7. Posted by Jeff on June 22, 2008 11:42 AM

My online shrink said said there was no such thing as internet addiction!

He says our 5 hours daily sessions are completely normal.

8. Posted by LeslieKay on June 22, 2008 11:40 AM

I don't agree that it's all psycho babble � I don't agree with the entire article either, but I do agree that middle-aged women spend an enormous amount of time on the internet. You can usually tell if a woman online is lying about her age, if she says she's in her 20's and is online, posting on message boards all day long. Women in their 20's have other things on their minds and other things to do than sit at a computer online all day long. Middle-aged women have an empty nest syndrome and are bored, with nothing else to do. So if a woman says she's 20 something and is online all day, you can take it to the bank that she's lying about her age.

9. Posted by Dan on June 22, 2008 11:40 AM

I truly dislike pop-psychology and all the "nannies" who want to tell the rest of us how to live based on the dubious findings of some government-funded study.

However, if someone is using the internet to the point where they are missing work, foregoing social engagements, missing time with family, etc., then, yes, "Houston, we have a problem."

Is this a common and growing problem? I think not.

Most of us just "know" when we're overdoing something. I allow for the fact that a small percentage of the poppluation lack similar self-control.

Those who do lack self-control can become "addicted" to any number of things, including the internet.

This is the same thing we were hearing about television viewing in years past.

Conclusion: It's the person who is at fault, not the object of the person's obsession.

10. Posted by oldcynic on June 22, 2008 10:29 AM

Civilization would be better off without Psychaitrists and Lawyers.Period.....

That being said, my wife spends about 4-5 hours a day playing computer video games and I think she is addicted.

11. Posted by Susan Woods on June 22, 2008 09:41 AM

Who benefits by adding another label to serve for another product? Why do they want us to take their pills again?

I'd rather vaporize my cannibas and research the internet, than drink beer & watch tv.

Sorry establishment, I'm still not still not convinced!lol

12. Posted by ckblv on June 22, 2008 09:41 AM

Shrinks are so stupid.

check out what is happening in Canada, some idiot judge let a teenage girl sue her dad because he grounded her. Guess what, she won.

Little by little government is taking over our lives and we love it. Vote Obama.

13. Posted by BOB on June 22, 2008 09:40 AM

Modern Psychiatry is such a bucket of crap, and is long past the time when it should be stripped of its certification.

Just read the DSM. Just an updated version of the "seven deadly sins"

14. Posted by JOE NET on June 22, 2008 09:40 AM


15. Posted by Richard 'evan' Armstrong on June 22, 2008 09:40 AM

As someone who works for SK Gaming (anyone who plays games competitively will undoubtedly recognise the name), I would agree wholeheartedly with the general conclusion.

I personally been through periods were I would play up to 70 hours a week, during exam periods. That was probably the low point, and resulted in a number of re-sits which probably weren't strictly necessary if I had found a better balance.

I do admit I've more self control these days, I'm at university studying an English degree, but I still find that as soon as the computer goes on, the chance of anything productive being done that day pretty much diminishes.

16. Posted by logm on June 22, 2008 09:39 AM

Just because you are a psychiatrist does not mean that you can not have a clinical disorder with symptoms expressed as a fanatical drive to study human populations for irrational behaviour traits. Because you are a psychiatrist you can define your irrational population behaviour traits and then you are no longer irrational for studying them. Does that sound rational?

17. Posted by Dee on June 22, 2008 09:33 AM

1 - Have you ever decided to stop going online for a week or so, but only lasted for a couple of days?
2 - Do you wish people would mind their own business about your internet use -- stop telling you what to do?
3 - Have you ever switched from one kind of internet activity to another in the hope that this would keep you from doing the first too much?
4 - Have you felt compelled to go straight certain sites upon awakening during the past year?
5 - Do you envy people who can spend time online without getting into trouble?
6 - Have you had problems connected with online activity during the past year?
7 - Has your internet use caused trouble at home?
8 - Do you ever try to get "extra" time online when out and around others because you do not get enough?
9 - Do you tell yourself you can stop going online any time you want to, even though you keep getting doding it when you don't mean to?
10 - Have you missed days of work or school because of online activity?
11 - Do you have "blackouts"? A "blackout" is when we have been online for hours or days which we cannot remember.
12 - Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not use certain websites so much?
Did you answer YES four or more times? If so, you probably have problem with internet use.
(Adapted from AA)

18. Posted by Sarah on June 22, 2008 09:33 AM

hey look we are all on the internet now posting comments about how stupid this article is.

19. Posted by Frank V on June 22, 2008 09:30 AM

Whilst I'm not one for giving naming new disorders and giving people excuses for bad behaviour, I know at least a couple of people who have become socially retarded from a starting point of happy socialites. It's a real shame, and some of these people are losing there lives as a result, but this is just one of many ways people can ruin their lives in today's world. They need self control and will power first and support available if they need it after that, not excuses or names given to them.

If you were ever in any doubt compare some of the reply on this article to those of alcoholics or drug users in denial.

20. Posted by Gaby on June 22, 2008 09:28 AM

How rediculous! Ok, so it seems that if people do something that takes them away from what social deems to be the normal amount of socialising, it's a disorder. In fact, it seems if you do anything for more than a few hours a day it's a disorder. computer games, the internet, mobile phones, using those is apparently an addiction and more, a disorder? Ok then, so is it a disorder to read lots of books or do lots of art, to spend all your free time gardening? It seems that it techonology is involved, it's an addiction, but if not it's just a normal hobby. Grow up and stop telling people what is and isn't normal!

21. Posted by Ed on June 22, 2008 09:28 AM

Once and for all, let's declare religious belief as a mental disorder that pretty much dwarfs all others!

22. Posted by rr on June 22, 2008 09:28 AM

I'm surprised they don't label breathing a clinical disorder. I guess it's because if they cured it, they wouldn't have anyone to sell pills to.

23. Posted by Tina Starewich on June 22, 2008 09:21 AM

Wow. Internet addiction. I'll make a note of worrying about that---it puts all the sociopaths in the Bush regime, economic collapse, global depression, aggressive wars, and massive food shortages into perspective.

It's just a personal problem that can be fixed with the right product.

24. Posted by CNN SUCKS on June 22, 2008 09:16 AM

I'm sure the TV news shows will back this claim all the way, 100%.
They have ZERO credibility, none whatsoever.
The once "MSM" could get on it's knees like the whore it is and say sorry or come clean for all it's lies, but the public is nobody's fool.

25. Posted by Sally on June 22, 2008 09:15 AM

What about us socially awkward woman? What? We don't count?

Tsk, tsk.

and if whomever did this research seriously believes that all the internet provides is e-mail, pornography and games then they're sorely out-of-touch with reality.

26. Posted by Aud on June 22, 2008 08:48 AM

I think it is failed to mention that most people who are "addicted" to the internet do NOT have lives , lol

Internet = makeshift reality

27. Posted by surfer joe on June 22, 2008 08:09 AM

Top 10 Signs You May Be An Internet Addict

By Robert Paul Reyes

"Obsessive Internet use is a public health problem which is so serious it should be officially recognised as a clinical disorder, according to a leading psychiatrist.

British psychiatrists have previously reported that between five and 10 per cent of online users are Internet addicts"

Quotation from Telegraph.Co.UK

I'm online at least six hours every day, but I don't consider myself an Internet addict because I spend my time productively writing essays, doing research and googling "Britney Spears" "nude pics."

My blood pressure goes up, I sweat profusely and I start climbing the walls when I lose my Internet connection, but that's a normal reaction for anybody who relies on the Net for his livelihood.

I'd rather have a reliable Internet connection than a social network of friends and family, but that's not unusual in a high-tech society.

Now that I have established that I'm not in that five to 10 per cent of online users who are Internet addicts, let's consider the top ten signs that you might be an Internet addict"

*If you say "LOL" instead of laughing at a funny joke, you might be an Internet addict.

*If you hurry up sex with your wife so you can chat online with LoverGirl69, you might be an Internet addict.

*If you sign your checks VirtualDudeLover06, you might be an Internet addict.

*If you had a fight with your wife because she won't let you name your newborn baby girl "Mozilla Firefox 3", you might be an Internet addict.

*If you get into a funk because your number of Google hits went down, you might be an Internet addict.

*If you think that Matt Drudge is the most respected journalist of our generation, you might be an Internet addict.

*If you reach for your mouse during your sleep, you might be an Internet addict.

*If you rush home and check your email before you kiss your wife and hug the kids, you might be an Internet addict.

*If you enjoy messing around with Nigerian scammers more than you do having a conversation with your spouse, you might be an Internet addict.

*If the only way your children can get in contact with you is by sending you an Instant Message, you might be an Internet addict.

Robert Paul Reyes is a NewsBlaze writer on Politics, Pop Culture and Pointless Pontificating. Contact him by writing to NewsBlaze.

Please send other signs of Internet Addictions that may have not been included in this list to

28. Posted by drexl on June 21, 2008 06:54 PM

Just take a look at the youth of today. They have to play on their phones every second of the day. It's not a cellphones it's people's lives as they cannot seem to live without it. Just go outside on the street and look around it's all you see, people playing on the phone. The world id f'd let it burn.

29. Posted by RezDuane on June 21, 2008 06:02 PM

Oh yeah! Here we go with ANOTHER "clinical disorder." What a load of crap! It's a lack of self control.
You're right in concluding that the psychoanalysts are naming this so that another group of people will become dependent on so-called therapy.
Whatever happened to personal responsibility and common sense?

30. Posted by Michael on June 21, 2008 06:01 PM

The psychologist just woke up? Add up all of the time in the 80?s that you spent using the following gadgets and the time you spent with the following people and put it into a box called a computer. Your computer is your calculator, phone, fax, day planner, mail carrier, Hallmark card maker, games, travel agent, social network, retail shopping, wholesale shopping, garage sale shopping, free barter, job finder, news paper, play boy, phone book, your job, your bank, your radio, your tv, your dvd player, your cd player, your coupons, your checking account, your stock broker, your encyclopedia, your search engine, your research and your book. You could list a hundred more items. I agree that people spend too much time on the computer. We wiped out a lot of jobs and more to come because of the internet. I read from that the LA Times might go out of business by Dec. 2008. One less way to receive information but who needs it we have the super information hi-way. ???

31. Posted by Michael on June 21, 2008 06:00 PM

Congradulations...we are in the denial stage...

32. Posted by Kate on June 21, 2008 06:00 PM

Internet addiction is real. The Net is a potent drug--more than TV, movies,hobbies will ever be. In my clinical practice, I'm seeing this addiction more and more. This is not a ploy, in my opinion, for psychiatrists to eek out more income, etc. They are only reporting what is becoming increasingly apparent with the clients they treat. I think Internet addiction should be acknowlwged in the next DSM--really!

33. Posted by Liz on June 21, 2008 06:00 PM

Bless those therapists: They're nothing if not astute at turning our habits into funding for their Caribbean vacations.

It's my opinion that at some not-so-distant point therapy, as we know it now, will finally be viewed as the greatest contrived impediment to personal responsibility that's ever come down the pike.

But let's face it, it pays.

34. Posted by Jon Buckley on June 21, 2008 05:57 PM

I'm guessing you cant be sacked from your job if you're suffering from a recognised clinical disorder? Looking forward to work on monday then!

I remember when I was younger, I would spend time in the evenings on the PC. "Stop playing on that thing, you're an addict" came the shout, from the parents who had sat down to watch 3 hours of idiot box tv each night. I think the internet's a slightly more health activity than being spoon fed a load of drivel on tv each night by a politically motivated media.

Saying that I will admit I have some addictive traits and really need to get out more these days, but at least I can google a suitable therapy and maybe write a blog about it.

35. Posted by Julie on June 21, 2008 05:57 PM

Reputable shrinks think this guy is an idiot. Neurotic people who use the internet would still be neurotic, with or without the internet. People spend huge amounts of time on the computer--working, instead of TV, and instead of other tasks the internet just does better, faster, and cheaper. Most everybody I know knows most of their online friends in person, or the other friends know them in person, and only physically meet up once or twice a year because of geography. Luddites always think "the sky is falling."

36. Posted by Julie on June 21, 2008 04:50 PM

When all you have is a psychiatrist, everything looks like a disorder.

37. Posted by Bobby on June 21, 2008 04:49 PM

Alrighty,yet another new disorder! Sounds like a Psychiatrist, or group of them, need to figure out how to finance some new Mercedes.Their
twisted-ness overfloweth.

38. Posted by damix austex on June 21, 2008 04:49 PM

Feeble psychobabble rubbish. More simply put, our brains love information and the computer offers a limitless supply.
Did someone get paid to come up with this crap? What a bunch of hooey.
I'm gonna start a new business. Import of ancient Chinese crystals that, when placed carefully about the home, heal internet addiction. Medical crystals, yeah, that's it.

39. Posted by Janice on June 21, 2008 04:49 PM

Let's get this straight. If someone cannot be away from a news source (radio, TV, newspaper) for more than a few hours, they are not addicted, they are simply wanting to keep up with current news. If someone plays bridge for nearly every moment of their spare time, going to tournaments, reading books and articles, they are not addicted, they simply are very enmeshed in their hobby.

So tell me, what is the actual definition of "addiction"? From the comments here, I would suggest it simply means some activity that someone else finds offensive in some way, and that they wouldn't do themselves (at least, not in public).

My grandmother's advice seems fitting here: Mind Your Own Business.

40. Posted by Bob McGee on June 21, 2008 04:48 PM

More horse manure. Too much of anything is a disorder these days. I guess this gives another opportunity to prescribe mood altering drugs so we have more uninteresting zombies consuming.

41. Posted by Diana on June 21, 2008 04:48 PM

There appears to be a lot of addicts on this comment section, I think thee protests too much. It is called denial.

42. Posted by Janice on June 21, 2008 04:48 PM

To Bella, who complains that there are all manner of problems just because her husband is addicted to World of Warcraft: Why doesn't everyone in the family get a Warcraft account, and everybody start playing it? It is a marvelous way to interact as a family, and has the added benefit that children often become more open with their parents. Instead of blaming Warcraft for your problems, maybe you should make sure your husband has a thorough medical exam (he said he was sick, maybe you should believe him). There are many illnesses which can make a person tired and in pain, and they will seek out ways to block the pain. Too bad he didn't start drinking heavily to mask the pain, as that is more socially acceptable than playing a video game.

43. Posted by atwitsend on June 21, 2008 04:43 PM

yes, I am addicted to searching out criminal shrinks, drug companies that make poison to alter the lives of our young children. I am addicted to outing the criminals of our government and medical establishment. I am guilty of educating myself on natural cures for their created diseases.
I am addicted to knowledge. the biggest library I can find is on the net. I am addicted to reading. I am addicted to educating my friends on the lies of our leaders.
I am guilty of addiction to love and peace on earth. I am addicted to self empowerment.

say no to the Drug of TV..... propaganda.

44. Posted by Becky Sherman on June 21, 2008 04:43 PM

I know for me,I`v had to completely retrain my self about this world, from what I`v been taught since I was able to learn. The Internet can and will teach you the truth about all the lies we`ve been told, Anybody can learn the truth if you search it out, Good Luck to all that want the truth and can handle it~~~

45. Posted by Jill on June 21, 2008 04:41 PM

I think a lot of people are in denial (some here on this board). They ARE addicted to the internet and their computer. They even take them on vacations with them. If there's a fire in their house the first thing they think is: I have to save my computer! It can be a healthy addiction if you do things positive with it, like keep in touch with long distance relatives and friends, but unhealthy if all you are doing is gaming or porn. Try shutting your computer off for one day and doing something else. Make a note of how many times you think about your computer or being online. I'll bet it's many times that day.

46. Posted by jhb2 on June 21, 2008 03:23 PM

I love the Net. Of course I'm addicted to it: I spend all day trading stocks, interspersed with other surfing activities... I've got all my kids hooked up to it as well. I don't drink anymore, get plenty of sleep, and exercise. It is my addiction of choice. The free porn has enhanced my love life. What a great time to be alive!

47. Posted by david on June 21, 2008 03:22 PM

Psychiatrists are a criminal interprise who seek to drug our wives, husbands, children and break up our familys and values. evedence for this abounds.

48. Posted by biff on June 21, 2008 03:15 PM

John's Hopkins university did a study about 40 years ago, that found 30% of psychiatrists go to school and get this degree to solve their own mental problems.
This is only a new way to generate more money, come up with a new illness.
A man walks into a psychiatrist's office wrapped in clear plastic.
The psychiatrist says I can clearly see your nuts.

49. Posted by John K on June 21, 2008 03:06 PM

God bless the Democrats!

Everything is a disability with mommy government coming to the rescue.

50. Posted by biff on June 21, 2008 03:06 PM

John's Hopkins university did a study about 40 years ago, that found 30% of psychiatrists go to school and get this degree to solve their own mental problems.
This is only a new way to generate more money, come up with a new illness.
A man walks into a psychiatrist's office wrapped in clear plastic.
The psychiatrist says I can clearly see your nuts.

51. Posted by Aaron on June 21, 2008 03:04 PM

I'm a victim because I spend a lot of my free time online? How is that any different from guys who spend far more time sitting front of their TV, beer in hand, going nuts over meaningless sports games? At least I'm being social and productive. And when I'm not sitting here, I'm either mountain biking, in church, or working a full-time job.

Sounds to me like the "leading psychiatrist" is just looking for a little attention by bringing this nonsense into the news.

52. Posted by Lo on June 21, 2008 03:01 PM

re: #6 by James Vella...It can ruin your relationship with your significant other when you prefer to have sex with a fantasy instead of with them.

53. Posted by lucky larry silverstone on June 21, 2008 02:37 PM

I can see where this is leading. Where do 'Conspiracy Theorists' obtain their succour and sustenance? On the internet, of course. The MSM which we are supposed to watch and read have the good sense only to put out versions of events provided by government spokespersons. Consequently anyone believing differently must be using the internet as their primary source and therefore is mentally ill. People who like watching Jane Standley reporting the collapse of WTC7 23 minutes prematurely on YouTube are nuts whereas the experts who can 'explain away' all the anomalies of the 'official version' are thoroughly reliable and sane and should be our ONLY source of information..

54. Posted by Tom in Virgoinia, USA on June 21, 2008 02:12 PM

This is the latest step in an ongoing scam by the psychiatric profession to increase incomes.
There are now three times as many "clinical disorder" diagnoses as there were 30 years ago. Why? Because once a problem, major or minor, is put into this category, many insurance programs will pay for treatment.
No doubt if this continues, people such as George Bush who dislike broccoli will be diagnosed with "broccoli aversion disorder," and psyciatrists will be paid to treat it.

55. Posted by dan on June 21, 2008 02:11 PM

A libertarian is a conservative who's awakened to the fact that Republicans are phonies. GOPs want big gov't and excessive spending (and borrowing); they only differ in how to use them.

On topic, the internet is DEFINITELY addictive. I agree 100% that it is a serious problem for some. I just don't like calling it a "disorder" because that gives the person special treatment.

56. Posted by mikek on June 21, 2008 02:10 PM

I do not want any involement by the state or NHS, any taxpayers money. People should do what the want. But it is obvious that there is a problem with internet addition (we are all on here)especially young people with Youtube , facebook etc.

57. Posted by Joe Blow on June 21, 2008 01:46 PM

I was an internet addict but I'm now cured. I don't use it any more. Ohh...

58. Posted by Chris on June 21, 2008 01:01 PM

James Vella, your an idiot.
Also, how can porn destroy a life? A naked picture and jacking off can ruin your life? Ya, OK.

59. Posted by Fred Steele on June 21, 2008 12:53 PM

This is talking about psychological addiction, there is no physical aspect like with drugs and alcohol. But honestly, I find that marijuana with my CounterStrike and Everquest is a much better high.

60. Posted by Brian on June 21, 2008 12:52 PM

Someone said "Mental Illness" does not exist. Whatever the case may be, maladaptive behavior and poor coping mechanisms do exist when people don't know how to deal with life.

They cope by replacement. Call it emotional confundity or whatever made up term, but a problem does exist despite the existance of a label.

61. Posted by tim on June 21, 2008 12:52 PM

Some people don't know how to mind their own business. "Internet addiction"? Well, I guess if they diddn't keep inventing new "disorders" they would have to get a real job. And the drug(poisen) companies might run into the "problem of over-production" that (conditioned)CONSUMERISM currently avoids.
They're both parasitic "industries".

62. Posted by Joseph on June 21, 2008 12:51 PM

As a consulting psychiatrist may I acknowledge that sometimes our colleagues embarrass us with their stupidity. A very provocative psychiatrist some years ago wrote an article published in a famous British journal titled "Bad Habits are Not Diseases". Maybe that renowned journal should republish the article, just substituting the term "internet" for the previous "bad habit". But we also must admit that you achieve much more publicity by drawing attention to yourself even if you say something ridiculous - and drawing attention is usually the real game that is being played.

63. Posted by Haysoos on June 21, 2008 12:50 PM

It is in many ways like a religion. let us hope it will be a benign one.

64. Posted by Shaun on June 21, 2008 12:49 PM

Education buys freedom and God only nows I am not going to get it in a college classroom or on some corporate controlled news network or corporate newspaper. The internet is the gateway to our freedom and I am beginning to believe more and more so everyday the power elite are beginning to become worried.

65. Posted by alan on June 21, 2008 12:49 PM

This is total BS.The mainstream media is upset that we don't focus our life on them so they come out with" bogus experts telling us that we have a psychiatric disorderLet's switch the paridigm.Those that have read the NYT and the Telegraph have been ill for years!!!

66. Posted by Mark on June 21, 2008 12:48 PM

I'm addicted to my home. I read all the news on the computer and discuss some with my wife. Some I think is BS and some turns out to be real. If I don't have work (independent)) I like to be home. If my wife wants to talk I say, "Let me turn the computer off!" That's a good time to run a virus check.
If anything I am a persom addicted to Home. Had to go to the big City for a few days and did not like that. Am I addicted to Home. I think so because I have to go to the big City in a few days and am dreading it. Wife wants to visit her girlfriend and girlfriend wants me to do some work, with pay.
Yes I am an addict. I keep in touch of the outside via dial up internet. For me that is fast enough. I live in the Gold Country of CA. and don't have access to High Speed and refuse to put up a dish.

Love to read so call me an addict. ETC, that's a wood sign my wife just got me to put over my computer.

67. Posted by Doctor Spock on June 21, 2008 12:47 PM

The people who totally disagree with so much passion are like alcoholics who refuse to admit they drink. Hilarious in a way, sad in another.

68. Posted by Susan on June 21, 2008 12:45 PM

I find this a confirmation of what I observed in my 20 yr old son who literally flunked out of college, not even attending classes, because he was playing Warcraft online... and say what you will about the glories of using the internet to be well-informed... the internet offers vast amounts of information, yet much of it is of questionable origin. It ultimately requires wisdom to sift through and discernment to distinguish the line between truth and misinformation. You can find whatever you want to... the question is "what are you seeking?"... objective knowledge, opinion, expert, scientific, observable or subjective data? What difference does the data make in your life?... wisdom suggests consideration of different views and not forgetting to use the gray matter between your ears; not accepting everything at face value, as well as, not discounting something just because it may be something you simply don't want to hear...

69. Posted by sb on June 21, 2008 12:44 PM

For all who say it's not a problem... I challenge you ... stop.... a day, an hour....
to quote Melina "I could stop any time I want to! I just don't want to yet ..." can you really?

70. Posted by chuck on June 21, 2008 12:44 PM

Alot of people seem to think if we all just quit smoking, eat only organic, always use a condom, wear a helmet, buckle up, excersize daily, dont drink liquor, dont drink coffee, dont eat eggs, dont eat sugar, sleep 8 hours, have perfect white teeth, and have regular check-up, and only use the internet for research for your childs report on aquatic ducks of asia, we will all live forever in harmony. aaawwwwlllrightythen

71. Posted by 'socrates' on June 21, 2008 12:43 PM

Damm that Al Gore, he is the one to blame for the 20 out of 24 hours a day I spend looking at porn,if he had not invented the internet I'd still be flashing in the park !

72. Posted by Robert on June 21, 2008 12:42 PM

"Mental illness" doesn't exist, only neurological illness does. Unless some socially deviant behaviour can be proven to have a physical (i.e., neurological) cause, then it simply isn't appropriate to call it an illness since this implies that it could be remedied by a physical treatment.

Civilization existed thousands of years without psychiatrists (but not healers and doctors), but the last century saw an explosive epidemic of so called "mental illness" as psychiatrists enjoyed extending their wealth, status, and power in society (always in cahoots, of course, with the profiteering pharmaceutical industry).

Of couse Internet addiction may be a problem for an individual or for the society that they interact with, but, if so, then it is one that should be dealt with under the purview of psychology and psychological councelling. Labelling afficted people as "mentally ill" is just going to socially stigmatise them and thereby add to their problems.

73. Posted by Steve on June 21, 2008 12:40 PM

It's absolutely George Bush's fault. Why if he hadn't invented the internet ..

Oh. Yeah. That was Algore. Well, It's obviously contributing to globular worming then.

74. Posted by Dale on June 21, 2008 12:40 PM

The fact of the matter is that the online world is simply much more interesting than our immediate localized physical world (not to mention the incredibly interesting people you can communicate with). It also is a treasure trove of knowledge, art, music, etc. and offers untold wonders for those who know how to mine it. The real world is just so damn mundane most of the time that people (especially smart people) can't help but explore the endlessly fascinating realm that is available to them.

75. Posted by Robert on June 21, 2008 12:33 PM

"Mental illness" doesn't exist, only neurological illness does. Unless some socially deviant behaviour can be proven to have a physical (i.e., neurological) cause, then it simply isn't appropriate to call it an illness since this implies that it could be remedied by a physical treatment.

Civilization existed thousands of years without psychiatrists (but not healers and doctors), but the last century saw an explosive epidemic of so called "mental illness" as psychiatrists enjoyed extending their wealth, status, and power in society (always in cahoots, of course, with the profiteering pharmaceutical industry).

Of couse Internet addiction may be a problem for an individual or for the society that they interact with, but, if so, then it is one that should be dealt with under the purview of psychology and psychological councelling. Labelling afficted people as "mentally ill" is just going to socially stigmatise them and thereby add to their problems.

76. Posted by Matt on June 21, 2008 12:32 PM

People who sit around all day long and get paid to makeup disorders, are now considered to have a disorder called "I get paid to BS disorder" the only cure is to be fired and get a REAL JOB.

77. Posted by Dr. Kenneth J. Hildebrandt on June 21, 2008 12:32 PM

I'd sure love to meet these doctors and see how they pass their time. Considering the problems of this world I'd say that they're wasting their time on something like this should be classified as a disorder.

Dr. Kenneth J. Hildebrandt -

78. Posted by schiva on June 21, 2008 12:31 PM

i say it's put on by the pharmaceuticals and the television companies.

if it's a clinical disorder...why we'll have to medicate, won't we?

and if theyre not surfing the net, they'll be hypnotized by the idiot box.

it's all a very simple plan....
[as theyre twisting their mustaches]

79. Posted by luke crowley on June 21, 2008 12:31 PM

They would rather people consume time at work, school, going to the mall, watching T.V., reading their newspapers, and not call that an illness. and isps want to start charging people per bit?

everything that you could ever want information about is at the fingertips. more people are finding out the truth and this scares them.

FUCK these fascists and fuck NWO. May their tyrany come crashing down


80. Posted by doug ferguson on June 21, 2008 12:30 PM

It's another indication that broadband should be limited to the educated middle class who can handle it, use it wisely. In the hands of other, lower groups or builders, those in retail etc. it could be a dangerous addiction.

81. Posted by Scott Mich on June 21, 2008 12:28 PM

As with alcohol, drugs, food, spending $$, sex, work, gambling, etc., internet use can be a problem for some.

Hallmarks of addictions/dependencies are denial, isolation, secrecy, lying about one's use, withdrawal from previous pleasures - social activities, hobbies, family, friends, etc.

Some people's jobs suffer, or perhaps their health.

Many addicts/dependents use the internet to avoid feelings and ambiguity, just as an alcoholic does. When on the internet, life is predictable, and the person has the illusion of being in control of their life - no messy ambiguity about unresolved issues with themselves or others.

Also, there's a cycle that accompanies this condition during which the brain chemistry changes - anticipation of "use" - internet, gambling, etc., the high of the activity, the letdown/hangover state afterward, remorse, swearing off, thinking of ways to control the use - don't get on the computer more than 2 hours a day, whatever.

At some point, the anticipation begins again. Going through the cycle is itself comforting in its predictability, including the accompanying changes in brain chemistry.

It's not how much we're on the internet or what we do - news, games, gambling, porn, chat rooms - it's our motivation (numbing feelings as a main one) and the effect it has on others in our lives.

82. Posted by jdog on June 21, 2008 12:28 PM

Piss poor reporting is a clinical disorder

83. Posted by macjin on June 21, 2008 12:25 PM

F the psycs. I love my comp. on it 7 hrs a day. i does all that i need. I make money on it. i communicate for free on it. i find friends on it, it does what i say when i say. Unlike other who dont listen. haha.
I get entertained on it, if i dont have a girl, well at least i got top quality porn to satisfy me. I mean come on, . I get so many needs from the internet. OH and yes, the TRUTH. all the truth in the world is ON IT! my mac and internet are my best friend, (aside from my BUddhist practice that is).
Shrinks are screwed up as they make money selling pills. then Shrinks have been exposed for lies and deciept to patients. They are big farce and many of them , on camera, say things which have shown to expose their sham. (long story).
back to my mac. I get my music, my chat, my business and its marketing and building. I sell my stuff on the net. dame the list goes on and on.. I NEED MY COMP AND I FKN LOVE IT. I CANT WAIT TO GET TO IT IN THE MORNING. AAHHAHHAHAAH.
who says its a 'disorder'? who? who the hell are they anyway?

the computer obeys MY command. and that feels good too. hahaha. unlike women who may not (kidding).[sorta] :)

84. Posted by Blame the UK & US on June 21, 2008 12:21 PM

Once again everybody is saying who's too blame but George, Gordon, Lord Byron...

85. Posted by Carolyn on June 21, 2008 11:42 AM

Thank you Doctor Holmes. Much of psychiatry is a "Racketeering" Industry and Criminal Enterprise. They even have a mental illness for one who spreaks the truth. They absolutely refuse to deal with truth or reality. The facts of cases do not support the alligations of having any illness. Many are in complete utter contempt for the law and Constitutional Rights. The drug companies pay out huges perks and kickbacks to these evil killer drug pushers who do not have any regard for human lives. It is time that they be tried for their "Unspeakable Crimes Against Humanity". "Cry_Wolf" and into "Checkmate" treating victims/targets/"Victims of Violent Crime" as pawns in a game of chess. Have some ice cream and maybe you can see through the song about "Seven Seas" because it is all "Deranged" as on "Animal Farm" "Dancing in the Dark".

86. Posted by Arthur Guy on June 21, 2008 11:40 AM

The real reason that the Government comes out with this garbage is because people are learning the truth on the internet as opposed to the main stream media lies and they are panicking and will attempt to bring down the internet because the internet is destroying this tyranny called Government. The history books are lies, the BBC is nothing but lies and propaganda. Where can you find the truth about 9/11?. answer; only on the internet.

87. Posted by Carolyn on June 21, 2008 11:34 AM

Since The so-called mental health industry is made up of many fake illnesses, the so-called mental health industry is being used as a false front for what is really taking place. Everyone is legally entitled to their "Due Process Rights", right to provide for his/her "Defense" and have witnesses in his/her favor. Bullies feel they can take control and demand to put in "False Memory". When the line in the sand is crossed between what is legal and what is not it then becomes a criminal matter. What one is illegally forced to deal with is Mob Action, Mob Mentality, Mob Rules, Kangaroo Court with the sick, bullies, and corrupt demanding to act as Judge, Jury, and Executioner bragging they can do whatever they want in cold-blood. "How to Break Them Down", "Battle for the Mind", "Toxic Psychiatry", PSYCHIATRISTS KILL, PSYCHIATRY KILLS, "Mind Minapulators", "Take Me For A Ride","",

Much of psychiatry is a destructive cult and works just like destructive cults work.
"Boys & Girls", Superheroes in the Doll Corner", let's pretend you are this and I am that. When I go wha, wha, what you have to come running and that makes you my robot. Robots, Puppets, "Zombie", if you refuse to fill their narcissistic wants and needs they will more likely refuse the mediation one needs in order to breathe. Then falsely chart it was given on two different date and not on the date the asthma attack occurred. They suffer from "Hero Syndrome". A real horror show taking place right before ones' eyes.
"DR. NO" and "Dr. Strangelove"

88. Posted by Gertrude on June 21, 2008 08:37 AM

dan, you obviously still are.

89. Posted by InnternetAddict on June 21, 2008 08:35 AM

Nothing like coming in for therapy and there's a hundred people in line in front of you.

90. Posted by LLJames on June 21, 2008 08:34 AM

Psychiatrists invent diseases to add to their "billing bible" so that they can make more money. Can you imagine being institutionalized and stripped of your civil rights for being on the internet? Psychiatrists are a real threat, folks... Making friends with a Psyhchiatrist is like making friends with a cobra. They bite, (the drugs they get you hooked on) and your a moron for learning on the internet.

91. Posted by Hoss on June 21, 2008 08:34 AM

Sometimes when Im tired of the wifes bulls@#t I take matters into my own hand, A few hours of internet porn seems to make the world a happier place. That sounds like therapy to me not a disorder!!!

92. Posted by Time for truth on June 21, 2008 08:32 AM

So you say long hours on the internet is a clinical disorder but Homosexuality is not?
No wonder Psychology is no longer respected.

93. Posted by Bil on June 21, 2008 08:25 AM

It makes sense since every time our AC power goes down, I start getting nervous and can't concentrate. And what if being in a constant near field high frequency (GHz!!!) enviro leads us to ALS in 5-10 years? Imagine not being able to spell b-u-s-h!

94. Posted by Julie on June 21, 2008 08:12 AM

When all you have is a psychiatrist, everything looks like a disorder.

95. Posted by Robert on June 21, 2008 08:12 AM

Just wait until we get robots we can have sex with... Sweeet

96. Posted by Andrew Borg-Cardona on June 21, 2008 08:00 AM

This is worrying. A pefectly reasonable point is made: in some cases, some individuals exhibit addictive behaviour. The reaction? Hordes of clearly ill-informed conspiracy theorists flaming the point. Is it impossible to grasp that no-one is saying that every computer user is an addict? That would be as absurd as saying that every drinker is an alcoholic.

97. Posted by dan on June 20, 2008 11:49 PM

Psychiatrists are jealous of people that spend hours surfing the net. Since spending hours surfing the net I've become so much more informed about the world that we live in.

It's obviously a threat to the establishment that wants us to be institutionalized from an early age. We finally get our hands on real information and they tell us it's an illness.

Go f*ck yourselves psychiatrists you'll never get me to go back to being a dumbed down moron.

98. Posted by Cathy S on June 20, 2008 11:40 PM

How long before this will be a successful criminal defense?

99. Posted by pedro on June 20, 2008 11:21 PM

They didn't use the word "clinical disease" because a disease is something that is progressive and incurable like obesity and alcoholism. A disease does not mean contagious, that's a virus.

100. Posted by Middle Aged Woman that fed her child today on June 20, 2008 11:20 PM

What a load of crap.
Perhaps people just like the internet and it is becoming a bigger part of their lives. Everything you like and do a lot is not an addiction. That's crazy. Psychiatry is not a true and complete science anyway, and people need to quit acting like it is.

101. Posted by Chris K on June 20, 2008 11:20 PM

James Vella - Can you name that mysterious "professor", as what you describe sounds more like made-up new-age anecdotal gibberish with little or no basis in fact.

102. Posted by Brent on June 20, 2008 11:20 PM

I've been accused of obsessive Internet use by my wife. Problem is, I'm a computer professional by day, and earn additional income on the Internet in the evenings... I don't consider that obsessive, I consider it a living! I also use the computer for a variety of other things, like managing the family finances, keeping in touch with long distance relatives, etc. etc. etc.

I don't disagree with the article that some people are obsessive (forget to eat and sleep, withdrawal symptoms, etc). But let's not accuse anyone who happens to sit in front of a computer for a few hours. Personally, if it weren't for the loss of income, I could easily turn my computer off and not miss it a bit.

103. Posted by Frank on June 20, 2008 11:19 PM

Any psychiatrist who think that internet addiction is a clinical disorder needs their head examined. Just another idiot who either wants more money and probably is part of the Internet II movement to kill the original internet.

104. Posted by cudmaster (tauren warrior) azgalor US on June 20, 2008 11:19 PM

For those of you suffering from a spouce that wont get off the computer, I offer you this suggestion... get naked!!!

...or actually propose something else to do rather than just driving them further away by bitching at them all the time.

If all you ever do is complain at them then it is no wonder that the "addict" will prefer to "escape" into the internet (which as we know is a series of tubes), or drinking, or tv, or the gym, or whatever their escape of choice may be.

Also I would advise against trying to simply convert them to another "socially acceptable"
vice that you prefer and know they hate...

don't say "stop playing WoW and lets go to a bar / shopping / etc..." actually offer them an option to spend time with you doing something you both like... dancing / amusement parks / snowboarding /concerts / museums / pool halls / etc are all good ways to get me off the computer and out of the house.

If you mate is into internet porn, then clearly you need to be more receptive to their sexual needs, and if you can't be, remember, it isn't that they don't love you, its just they would rather "take care of it themselves" than force themselves on you and/or face constant rejection.

In short, the problem is not the internet (or other "addictive" thing) the problem is with relationships and communication.

I'd like to see an article like this accusing the wives of WoW players being addicted to "bitching" just for balance.

Truth be told though maybe the "addict" is just a jerk, or maybe the people calling them "addicts" are, or maybe you are both fabulous but you have no idea how to communicate...

I'm sure talking to them in a calm and rational manner is hard, particularly now that you are armed with the knowledge that psychologists think they are junkies, but if you want to "save" them, throw them a bone rather than giving them a reason to run from you.

105. Posted by joseffreeman on June 20, 2008 11:18 PM

its George Bush's fault !!

106. Posted by Rick on June 20, 2008 11:14 PM

"News Release- Medical giant Smythe Farma announced today that they had been granted a patent on a device to treat internet addiction by a method modeled on the use of methadone treatment of opiate addiction. The device approximates the appearence of a PC in that it is a screen within a frame structure. However the device is controlled, not by the nerd, but by trained personnel at a central location. The company plans to have the system to market as soon as they invent the "rabbit ear' antenna."

107. Posted by tanyetta on June 20, 2008 11:14 PM

What Melina said.

108. Posted by r urban on June 20, 2008 11:13 PM

Next the head shrinkers will be telling us that being alive is the new disorder, and it needs to be treated by a shrink.

I for one am tired of psychiatrists inventing "diseases" out of financial greed.

109. Posted by Anton on June 20, 2008 11:13 PM

More attempts at government control - or idiot pseudo-medics flexing their god-complex muscles.

Without computers I could not do my job with the speed and efficiency required. Without my internet at home I could not keep in touch with my family and friends (I work overseas for long periods). Without my internet to contact agents I would not have had work for the past 8 years. Without my internet few would receive birthday presents.

I am "connected" to a computer for 12 - 14 hours per day. Hence I spend 1.5 hours a day working out in a gym. Contrary to belief the internet maintains rather than destroys my social life.

The people who keep thinking up new addictions should take a long look at their desires to control others.

110. Posted by Mike on June 20, 2008 11:12 PM

This is clearly George Bush's fault

111. Posted by Grant on June 20, 2008 11:11 PM

The last thing these elitists want is for people to be informed of any ideas and/or information other than the propaganda they dictate. That's all- Nope, No disorders here...Move along!

112. Posted by Ray Massart on June 20, 2008 11:11 PM

Rod Munch June 20 06:O2 PM
A good one, Rod.

113. Posted by Chris K on June 20, 2008 11:11 PM

Come on, it's no more a disorder than any other hobby.

Psychiatrists who invent these ridiculous disorders - perhaps to gain easy publicity or promote a "cure" they happen to have up their sleeve - are making their profession look stupid.

114. Posted by Dan on June 20, 2008 11:10 PM

Yep, Computer over use is criminal.

Especially if you keep visiting those pesky web sites that tell you all about how the government is behind the terror attacks; like how the CIA was behind 9/11.


115. Posted by Kyle on June 20, 2008 11:10 PM

Well what's a person to do when there's so much damn porn and so little time?

116. Posted by Emily on June 20, 2008 11:09 PM

uh oh that sounds exactly like me... but i dont forget ot eat and sleep...

117. Posted by thecolor on June 20, 2008 11:09 PM

I'm curious how it can be dealt with in today's computer necessary society. To separate someone fully from alcohol or drugs might be easier (since it's not necessary in life)... but to separate them from a computer could ultimately prevent them from working and thusly living.

118. Posted by Jordan on June 20, 2008 11:09 PM

There is no such thing as addiction there is only dependency. All you have to do is get up and walk AFK!

119. Posted by JJ on June 20, 2008 11:09 PM

And Europeans will bye every bit of the story

120. Posted by SBSmith on June 20, 2008 11:09 PM

Agree, denying addiction only confirms it.

Remember that Asian guy who died because he was in a gaming competition online and he didn't eat, drink or sleep for days ?
What a Fool.
Perfect example of gaming addiction...altho' his was extreme.

121. Posted by Pat Riley on June 20, 2008 10:48 PM

Oh boy, ANOTHER disorder by our friendly (I'd like to get you on our drugs) psychiatrist. I know people who read all the time....are they addicted to books? While I don't condone someone who spends endless hours on the computer, I wouldn't call this an illness. Psychs used to be viewed as "witch doctors", now that they're in bed with Big Pharma they're legit??? Come on people, wake up!

122. Posted by Anonymous on June 20, 2008 10:48 PM

For whom is this an addiction? Is it an addicition for those who come up with criteria regarding what an addicition should be?

123. Posted by James Vella on June 20, 2008 09:59 PM

Internet addiction is not an addiction. It is an attachment.
A professor identified 10 years ago that the electro-magnetic frequency that computers, TV's and cell phones operate on is the same as part of the human brain. That when the person is viewing infront of a computer that his brain and the computer's electro-magnetic fields become "entrained"
The brain cannot distinguish between what is in it and what is coming from the computer. At the point of "entrainment' the person is in a virtual reality alpha brain wave state, a pleasure dream state. Humans have natural mechanisms that steer them to return to where they get pleasure, a mother's breast, a sexual partner, etc.
The person needs to be away from all except nature's own electro magnetic fields to normalize their levels of pleasure experience. They also need to be with loving humans where they reacquaint their self with their own feelings in relation to other humans. The brain hormone glands that have been constantly stimulated by these specific electro-magnetic frequencies need time to return to the nature based stimulation levels rather than the over stimulated artificial levels.
That's enough said. One of the foremost experts in internet porn addiction, an MD, when he read about the freqency and entrainment immediately said,
I believe that is what is happening now that i have seen this." JimVella, AdvisorX,
Counsellor: Human Sexuality

124. Posted by Fay on June 20, 2008 09:58 PM

Good grief! Another burden for the tax payers.

125. Posted by Ken Wiggins on June 20, 2008 09:57 PM

I'm addicted to reading articles about "Internet addiction".

126. Posted by Russ on June 20, 2008 09:55 PM

If you read all these comments please go for treatment.
See you at Internet Anonymous.

127. Posted by F. and U. Adenufyet on June 20, 2008 09:55 PM

So, I do a bit of internet?
I can handle it.

128. Posted by Irondog on June 20, 2008 09:55 PM

Everything is a clinical disorder. No one is to blame and your government should support all of you, no one need work. Then we'll all have the same clinical disorder: coping with world collapse, what a wonderful Eden!

129. Posted by Edward on June 20, 2008 09:55 PM

Internet addict? Not any different than a TV addict!

130. Posted by Ecco on June 20, 2008 09:54 PM

I've noticed now for years that my pattern of internet usage falls under the umbrella of addiction, with more and more needed until it takes the entire day sometimes. I have it on my phone if I need it. I get literal withdrawal symptoms (anxiety, anger, sometimes dizziness) when I'm without it for a day or even more than a few hours.

The real problem was when I found StumbleUpon, which is to the internet as crack is to cocaine.

131. Posted by Rui Brito on June 20, 2008 09:53 PM

what about reading news, articles, debating ideas in forums? The unbelievable visual library that is the internet, millions of photographs and clips? Let me see an article about the bad things of "library addiction", lol.
This selectively picks things which are socially looked down upon, like gaming and porn. But even gaming has been recently shown to have many positive effects on a mind, namely it exercises rationality and spatial awareness. When u play a 3d game, u're not staring at the screen, u ARE PROJECTED into the 3d environment and therefore exercise your brain's imagination and spatial awareness. And porn?? who the hell cares?? If you're not horny, leave those who are alone!

Seems to me the problem here is REAL LIFE that's crap, with all its troubles, routine, and chores, and these people are only finding a way to break the monotony.
The only way to stop this is to end the rat race system and give us back our free time we deserve. Working 8hrs /day is absurd, obviously no one is happy. People should work 1/2days only and focus on what's important and fundamental for our collective well-being instead of serving "bosses" who perpetuate the system.


132. Posted by Matt Scary on June 20, 2008 09:53 PM

I smoke my internet. 100mps to the head!

133. Posted by Dempsey on June 20, 2008 09:53 PM

To Dan, post number forty-four and Robert Gandy posts forty-eight AND fifty-seven; both of you are making huge assumptions to think I am a conservative. Couldn't be further from the truth! I am one of those, "stay out of my life and let me live it as I please", libertarians.

134. Posted by Tom Lowe on June 20, 2008 09:53 PM

1. I have one brother who spends all of his spare time attending softball games his daughters play in. As a result, he has not called nor visited in over 15 years.

2. I have another brother who has been in such hot pursuit of his medical research career that he has not had time to call or visit for over 15 years.

Clearly both of these individuals are activity addicts in a manner quite similar to internet addiction, and I want Dr. Block in his great wisdom to treat them for their morbid disorders which have irrevocably hurt my family a great deal.

135. Posted by Rick on June 20, 2008 09:45 PM

"News Release- Medical giant Smythe Farma announced today that they had been granted a patent on a device to treat internet addiction by a method modeled on the use of methadone treatment of opiate addiction. The device approximates the appearence of a PC in that it is a screen within a frame structure. However the device is controlled, not by the nerd, but by trained personnel at a central location. The company plans to have the system to market as soon as they invent the "rabbit ear' antenna."

136. Posted by Daniel on June 20, 2008 09:38 PM

Ha ha..."progressive liberal." Why dont you just call yourself a "giddy little school girl with a new dress!" When I read that post, I threw up in my mouth.

137. Posted by Pastor Bob on June 20, 2008 08:17 PM

his is an actual problem. My family has been destroyed because my husband of 18 years is addicted to playing World of Warcraft. He is out of touch with reality and has quit working at the contemporary architecuture firm that he helped to build from a small basement ran business into a 2.8 million dollar firm. Out of our 3 children only one is willing to attempt to speak with him.
We had a family vacation planned for 6 months and at last minute he claimed to be sufferring from illness and spent our entire vacation at home alone playing his game. He blames his job for being hard, his children for being too loud, me for not being a good enough cook... its everyones fault but his... kinda like an alcoholic or drug abuser dont you think??

138. Posted by Kathi on June 20, 2008 07:16 PM

This sounds EXACTLY like the guy I date.

139. Posted by Joe Gilman on June 20, 2008 07:13 PM

i think you upset some 'gamers' :)

140. Posted by Georgia Gray on June 20, 2008 07:10 PM

Money & Power are more destructive addictions and the last thing these addicts want is well informed citizens/consumers.

141. Posted by Nathan on June 20, 2008 06:38 PM

May I remind all of you people, that if you want to blame everybody else, you need to blame Al Gore because HE'S the one that created the internet.
To that fact, to those that are addicted to the "internet" and blame everything else but them selves, it's your fualt, your choice, your problem not anybody elses. All you have to do is STOP!

142. Posted by James T. Humberd on June 20, 2008 06:38 PM

The first time I proposed the problem of electronic addiction was in the early 1950s, when I first taught about computers and how to program one.

The ones who complain about this article, carry the disease.

Why else would there be spam, hackers, ID theft, and all the other crimes committed each day, by the criminal element among people who are computer knowledgeable.

I helped train some of the first few hundred people who ever saw a computer, and I saw this problem very early in the game.

As usual, those with the addiction don't recognize or admit to the disease.

143. Posted by Carolyn on June 20, 2008 06:36 PM

To state it very honestly all the deceit, dishonesty, and fraud by a great numher of psychiatrists is a much more serious illness. So is their need to be needed and that they deceive they have all the answers to any problem when in fact they are part of the problem and do not have any solution period. They make things ten times worse. They are addicted to making up false illnesses and psychiatry is a dying industry.

144. Posted by Jenny Bea on June 20, 2008 06:36 PM

I wouldn't normally buy into this...but I have met just a couple people who are totally anti-social (when they weren't once), and spend all their time on the computer. They have gained alot of weight from the lack of exercise, they get upset about not being able to be online- in fact everything about their daily routine revolves around being online. One person I know has romantic relationships with people met only online. It's sick, really. But I don't doubt any of the material in the article.

145. Posted by Mike on June 20, 2008 06:34 PM

Idiots! Computers are no more addictive than the television. People who waste their lives in front of the computer monitor are the genetic misfits, the humans that for whatever reason are not capable of social interaction, healthy relationships, raising families, and fulfilling their basic obligations as people. If it wasn't a computer monitor it would be comic books, playboy, or action dolls. Stop using psychiatry as a means of excusing simple human weaknesses.

146. Posted by Paul on June 20, 2008 06:34 PM

Sounds like a great scam to drum up more business. I think that shrinks naming every human behavior a "disorder" to make their $4,000 house payment are themselves disordered.

147. Posted by John on June 20, 2008 06:34 PM

I can understand not putting your family first in the list of priorities to be a major issue. But for single men and women, it�s nobody�s damn business how they spend their time. I can only imagine some new �big brother� government regulation to address this �clinical disorder�.

148. Posted by Elle on June 20, 2008 06:33 PM

It makes sense actually. You just feel disconnected when you are not online at lease once in a day.

149. Posted by Trevski on June 20, 2008 06:33 PM

I agree with Joe and Dempsey, this is utter nonsense. Another first rung on the ladder to more "nanny state" control. How long before an "internet tax" is in place to protect us from ourselves? Perhaps an expensive monitoring comittee or something equally stupid to give jobs to retiring ministers/civil servants. Utter tosh, thats what it is. The psychologists need the therapy not internet users.

150. Posted by ruface on June 20, 2008 06:29 PM

get some mates!

151. Posted by Marion Morrison on June 20, 2008 06:28 PM

It seems silly to post an article about people who are spending too much time on the internet, on the internet where countless internet addicts are reading every single blog entry for a small tidbit of agreement. This blog is a wonderful springboard for ideas, comments and opinions, but it is also a great place for me spend countless hours so that I can escape from my friends and family. Thank you for being there for me

152. Posted by News Buoy on June 20, 2008 06:27 PM

A southeast Asian monkey trap is constructed from a hollow gourd with a single opening just large enough for the monkey's hand to grasp the tempting bait of fruit. Finding the bait, the monkey also finds that it cannot remove both its hand and the fruit. The trap works because the monkey refuses to let go of the fruit even as disaster approaches.

153. Posted by Paoktzis on June 20, 2008 06:27 PM

These psychiatrists are truly shameless, trying to invent a new "mental disorder". What is the unequivocal scientific evidence that "internet addiction" exists?

154. Posted by yve2008 on June 20, 2008 06:27 PM

COP OUT! please .. i've had "addictions" in my life ... & the most important thing i did was take responsibility for my own actions ... "addicts" need to take responsibility instead of finding a name for their "affliction" or finding a place to avert their responsibility to ...

155. Posted by Stephen Block jr on June 20, 2008 06:27 PM

There are several online courses available to cure this addiction.

156. Posted by Krahk Yuuskul on June 20, 2008 06:25 PM

I'm an addict and have been since this whole MMORPG thing started (Evercrack mainly) My home life is normal, my kid is normal and my wife is happy. AND I'learned how to speak Ogre. So yooz bettr ghet yer akt strayt or me Krahk Yuuskul. Yooz gotz it?

157. Posted by extreme reader on June 20, 2008 06:25 PM

Any human activity you may think of may become a disease. Extreme religious zeal, extreme fasting, extreme eating... It looks like we call "disease" anything that is extreme, don't we?

158. Posted by z on June 20, 2008 06:11 PM

No mention of people who work too long on the internet. Typically its gaming that gets the bum rap. What about those who are out playing softball or intramural basketball so much that they withdraw from all else except that activity? Is that an addiction? Why isn't that being demonized too?

159. Posted by Teddy Bear on June 20, 2008 06:10 PM

Yeah, that's it, ban the online role-playing games. Ban anything that offers someone a chance to get absorbed in an alternate reality. We might as well ban movies, tv and books while we're at it too.

160. Posted by Anonymous on June 20, 2008 06:10 PM

It is real. The question is, have accurate diagnostic criteria been developed? Or is it all subjective.

I do know people who destroy their lives playing in first-person social games.

But other people simply read the paper like they would in the real world, but on computer.

The highly educated males probably wouldn't have a social life without the internet, due to a lack of people around that would be sufficiently interesting (just as sports junkies don't like playing say volleyball, with people who aren't athletic). And it can become an addiction.

So, how do you discern between legitimate problems that need a cold turkey approach and self discipline, and something that isn't a problem, but isn't what Joe Sixpack thinks is 'normal'?

Objective rather than subjective criteria need to be developed. This is a matter where medication is not a specific, but rather forced separation and help in getting a life in the real world.

161. Posted by Alastair on June 20, 2008 06:08 PM

Oh for crying out loud.
The increased cost of living, taxes, cost of fuel, cost of just about anything that makes it easier for people to get out have a life, socialise is through the roof.
So people turn to internet dating, socialising instead. So what. What else do they suggest people do now they cannot afford to go to the pub, visit friends?
I am one of these ppl too who is prob an internet junkie, and so? i am not hurting anything.
If i was perhaps taxed less and had therefore more money to show for my work, i would go out and meet people more.
Winge over!

162. Posted by Nathan on June 20, 2008 06:08 PM

May I remind all of you people, that if you want to blame everybody else, you need to blame Al Gore because HE'S the one that created the internet.
To that fact, to those that are addicted to the "internet" and blame everything else but them selves, it's your fualt, your choice, your problem not anybody elses. All you have to do is STOP!

163. Posted by Rod Munch on June 20, 2008 06:02 PM

I agree. I think I'm getting addicted to posting comments on news websites. I just cant seem to stop.....!

164. Posted by r urban on June 20, 2008 05:51 PM

Next the head shrinkers will be telling us that being alive is the new disorder, and it needs to be treated by a shrink.

I for one am tired of psychiatrists inventing "diseases" out of financial greed.

165. Posted by John on June 20, 2008 05:33 PM

I can understand not putting your family first in the list of priorities to be a major issue. But for single men and women, it�s nobody�s damn business how they spend their time. I can only imagine some new �big brother� government regulation to address this �clinical disorder�.

166. Posted by Paul on June 20, 2008 05:33 PM

Sounds like a great scam to drum up more business. I think that shrinks naming every human behavior a "disorder" to make their $4,000 house payment are themselves disordered.

167. Posted by bbally on June 20, 2008 05:33 PM

Well I am seeing another raid in the making on the Health Insurance system........ More bucks for quack conditions

168. Posted by Melina on June 20, 2008 05:33 PM

I could stop any time I want to! I just don't want to yet ...

169. Posted by Phillip on June 20, 2008 05:29 PM

This is totally serious. All you nay-sayers out there don't realize how incredibly hooked we're becoming on technology. I know people that will spend 18 hours straight on their computer. I've fallen to the burden myself in the past, but I have broke it - several times. It's been an on-going problem for me.

I've been using the Internet since I was 12. My job is information technology, I spend 10-18 hours of my day on the computer, on my cell phone, on something connected to the Internet. I play MMO's online and etc as well. A friend of mine, I'm so worried about her because she's driving her life into the ground at a young age, she nearly failed this year in school. She's brilliant and her mind will go to waste if she doesn't change. It's not healthy.

170. Posted by Georgia Gray on June 20, 2008 05:29 PM

Money & Power are more destructive addictions and the last thing these addicts want is well informed citizens/consumers.

171. Posted by CD on June 20, 2008 05:26 PM

The government I'm sure will try to save us from ourselves. They are worried we might actually learn something while scanning the web.

172. Posted by Dr. Holmes on June 20, 2008 05:24 PM

Psychiatrists have Clinical Disorders coming up with other money making disorders. It is common sense among everyone but the media that psychiatrists invent disorders for their own careers.

173. Posted by Brett on June 20, 2008 04:30 PM

internet. the new meth.

too bad meth can't play quake and look at boobs.

174. Posted by C. Rakish Spagaletto on June 20, 2008 04:29 PM

Inventing new diseases is a mental disorder. This disease is rampant in people who have received degrees in psychology.
There is no known cure.

175. Posted by sam on June 20, 2008 03:58 PM

I have been struggling over the past 3-4 years to control my Addiction to Pornography.

Rather than dismissing or trivialising these problems that affect many people, on the grounds that it doesn't affect you so it must be a load of bull, try and sit back and examine the facts that people are influenced/drawn into addictions and depression problems through the use of their everyday surroundings!

If you interviewed Sexual Health Experts you would understand firstly how many people are affected and how many they believe never seek help because of the social stigma. Fortunately I did consult a professional and have been able to control what was once destroying my life.

When people are presenting serious Depression problems from binging on their addictions it is not helpful in the least to label them as dysfunctional! I don't laugh at alcoholics or drug addicts... there are no NHS services available to the non-core addictions and there are just as many tragedies befalling these people.

Though it's not seen in the street, this doesn't mean there aren't people struggling with their everyday lives, trying to keep float and resist the next hit.

176. Posted by erik in new york on June 20, 2008 03:57 PM

I agree with Oliver Clotheshoffe, the world is a hideous progressive shock-toilet populated by evil + unsightly morons, internet is a glorious vacation from it all (I was going to say sublime)

177. Posted by Teddy Bear on June 20, 2008 03:30 PM

Yeah, that's it, ban the online role-playing games. Ban anything that offers someone a chance to get absorbed in an alternate reality. We might as well ban movies, tv and books while we're at it too.

178. Posted by Alana on June 20, 2008 03:30 PM

I agree with Joe. Total crap.

179. Posted by ROBERT on June 20, 2008 03:16 PM

While I think this is indeed a real problem - a choice (not a disease) - but a real problem nonetheless, a much bigger problem is cofee addiction. Here's the simple formula: caffeine is a drug, those addicted to drugs are.....hmmmm....drug addicts! So, anyone who MUST have their coffee is actually a drug addict. Personally, I don't want to be a drug addict.

180. Posted by dan on June 20, 2008 03:15 PM

Note to "Dempsey" above: Liberals aren't the only "folks in the know" who try to control people's lives. CONSERVATIVES are EQUALLY as desirous to tell everybody what to do. Who to marry, what to believe about religion and economics, what you can see/read on the internet, etc.

Don't let your partisan politics blind you. One side is just as guilty as the other.

181. Posted by pjs on June 20, 2008 03:10 PM

Please note the author of this study has a patent on a product to "cure" computer addiction so there may be just a little bit of self-serving in his efforts. Here's a link to the original study:

182. Posted by Jim on June 20, 2008 03:10 PM

I fit into that category. I am online all day long at work, and after work I go online for a few more hours. I don't consider myself an addict, nor do I display any of the "symptoms" of "too much internet." And even if I was considered an addict, my question to the doctors would be: "So f.....g what?"

183. Posted by Oliver Clotheshoffe on June 20, 2008 03:03 PM

Maybe people spend so much time on the internet because it's a better place than the screwed up world we live in , anybody ever think of that ?

184. Posted by Robert Gandy on June 20, 2008 03:02 PM

As a liberal 'progressive' decried by Dempsey, I agree it's another social disorder constructed to let 'nanny staters' control more of your lives, well-funded by Big Pharma lobbies, and unregulated by people we like to call 'conservatives'.

185. Posted by Bella on June 20, 2008 03:02 PM

This is an actual problem. My family has been destroyed because my husband of 18 years is addicted to playing World of Warcraft. He is out of touch with reality and has quit working at the contemporary architecuture firm that he helped to build from a small basement ran business into a 2.8 million dollar firm. Out of our 3 children only one is willing to attempt to speak with him.
We had a family vacation planned for 6 months and at last minute he claimed to be sufferring from illness and spent our entire vacation at home alone playing his game. He blames his job for being hard, his children for being too loud, me for not being a good enough cook... its everyones fault but his... kinda like an alcoholic or drug abuser dont you think??

186. Posted by C. Rakish Spagaletto on June 20, 2008 03:01 PM

Inventing new diseases is a mental disorder. This disease is rampant in people who have received degrees in psychology.
There is no known cure.

187. Posted by bill on June 20, 2008 03:01 PM

ditto joe. gov morons and idiots
explains it all.

188. Posted by MurrayRothbard on June 20, 2008 03:01 PM

What expensive pharmaceutical solution will we see developed for this world-threatening "ailment?" I'll give up games and email, but don't you dare take my porn away. Oh no. All mine.

189. Posted by Robert Gandy on June 20, 2008 02:54 PM

As a liberal 'progressive' decried by Dempsey, I agree it's another social disorder constructed to let 'nanny staters' control more of your lives, well-funded by Big Pharma lobbies, and unregulated by people we like to call 'conservatives'.

190. Posted by Bella on June 20, 2008 02:53 PM

This is an actual problem. My family has been destroyed because my husband of 18 years is addicted to playing World of Warcraft. He is out of touch with reality and has quit working at the contemporary architecuture firm that he helped to build from a small basement ran business into a 2.8 million dollar firm. Out of our 3 children only one is willing to attempt to speak with him.
We had a family vacation planned for 6 months and at last minute he claimed to be sufferring from illness and spent our entire vacation at home alone playing his game. He blames his job for being hard, his children for being too loud, me for not being a good enough cook... its everyones fault but his... kinda like an alcoholic or drug abuser dont you think??

191. Posted by get_christie_love on June 20, 2008 02:53 PM

internet addiction, gambling addiction they all fall under impulse control disorders. but the insurance companies wont pay for treatment unless you can show it causes problems with work or family life. mainly work, because in america, if you cant work you must have a pathology.
these are the same people who could not get their morning started without a crossword puzzle or who spent time in their garage remaking transister radio's.
i want them to drag those people from their basements first, then drag me off of the internet..

192. Posted by Jon Iscream on June 20, 2008 01:31 PM

What have you people been smoking?

193. Posted by Dempsey on June 20, 2008 01:31 PM

Let me guess; this is another scheme for nanny staters to have control over our lives. Think up another social disorder, and the folks "in the know" can manage your life, because you're either too stupid, lazy or dependent to manage your own.

Here in the states, we refer to these "folks in the know", as liberals, or "progressives."

194. Posted by Joe on June 20, 2008 01:29 PM

What a load of crap. How long before the idiots of the governemtn decide we need to pass legislation for antoher made up illness. Psychiatrists need to keep their loud mouths shut. These people are not suffering until some psychiatrist tells them they are. In a free society people have the right to make up their own minds about what they are going to do and not going to do, even if those choices are bad ones and it's not the government's responsibility to protect people from themselves. These damn doctors keep making up diseases so there will be more government funding to treat these morons who can't get out of their own damn way.

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