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Thursday, September 4, 2008

[vinnomot] Re-establishing the Khalifah but not literally.

It is true when people come to think alike,they tend to act alike; unison in thinking begets unison in action, no doubt, but the reality is that the difference of opinion on national issues is the cause of a number of political parties in Bangladesh or anywhere else for that matter. As long as men and women think for themselves we will have political parties whether we like it or not. And a person with opinion on national issues or public affairs is NOT a coward, unpatriotic or misguided whether they are chasing the mirage or the globalization or whether they are chasing capitalism or capital without the "ism".
Every citizen should study the ethics of his government, think for himself, and form his own opinion. And I am not speaking for anyone else here but sharing my opinion as an individual citizen. As for the eminent "globalization scholar" Mr. syed Aslam's description of "one world one dream" reflecting the universal values of mankind: what is the universal values of mankind that Islam does not recognize? What has to do with "universal values" with "free market economy", "capitalism" or "globalization"? Are Mr Syed Aslam suggesting that those iconic/symbolic terms are the only option to achieve "one world one dream"? Or Mr. Syed's ideas are lost in translation?
Let me summed up for readers the principles by which Islamic countries have  conducted or regulated their foreign policy in the following terms: Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none. But why do we have to interweave our values with that of any part of world in the toils of foreign ambitions, or interest? If the term commerce appears to Mr. Syed as primitive, it is his choice but in the name of globalization, we as a nation or as people why do we have to reflect others values? And in my opinion, it is unnecessary and would be unwise to extend them. BTW, are we getting their products free so that we have to give up our traditions? Are your alright in terms of how you think within yourself?
Those who live in fools paradise only can think of globalization is the cause of abolishing the tribalism, feudalism, communalism and sectarianism in every nook and corner of the world. In my view, it is the globalization slowly but surely, making entire world more communal in different guise than ever before and it is because free market economy is NOT free nor altruistic, but interest driven which is the cause of all wars, hatred, and corruptions. And wars are the opposite end of communal expression violently.
I suggest Mr. Syed to stop using each of these terms - "free market economy" or "globalization" - is a name for something double meaning but not a neutral name.
It is a name that smuggles in a political agenda set by the "key players". And I know, that Mr Syed knows who are those thugs are hellbent on establishing the "key players" agendas for them in Bangladesh.
Without knowing, how words become weapons, how weapons become message, and how that message become reality, and this guided/misguided "reality" Mr. syed is advocating for a few people into chasing  the mirage of globalization.
By the way, I did not analise an "empty analysis" of Mr. syed's opinion of "Re-established the Khalifah" though. But freedom is free and one don't need to kill people to achieve it whether it is in Iraq or in east timor, or in Bangladesh, or anywhere else. That's the universal value. Islam has no compulsion nor should you or your ideology whatever that maybe. Know this, by killing 3 millions of tigers to put rest of tigers in a cage, is a shame. And now self appointed liberator is killing tigers just as americans are hunting in the hunting season as a matter of sports. Thanks Allah that I was born then. My only expectation to you, is to think deeply before we even utter any word from our heart.
Live and let live and if the living is without "technological socialism", then it is much better for the environment cause the mother earth does not have infinite amount of resources.
Good luck with your guided globalization.
Firoz Alam.


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