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Monday, September 22, 2008

[vinnomot] Half Truths......

A Person can not be completely bad especially when the world perceives it to be like one. However nice or good; at that one moment one gives up. The bad you takes over and the good part suffocates and looks like you have no good part at all. But that's not true. It is only half truth. May be bad is easy to exaggerate and it spreads faster. Half truths are more easy to digest and spicier to chew !!

But at some moment when you clam down and be yourself; think about what has happened to you and unknowingly in comfort of your loneliness you shed those tears. That part of you which world will never see; where you are most honest and you are aware of yourself.

That moment is a complete truth. Not perceived by world; not answerable to world; but just answerable to your own self and the tears sheded in the agony of moments. That's the only complete truth.

I Need your Help, in order to improve.
Please Correct me where ever I'm wrong :
I'll appreciate. Thanks

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