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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

[vinnomot] FW: An email from Barack Obama

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

DSCC - Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Barack Obama said it best in his message yesterday: A new Democratic president alone isn't enough to turn our country around.

This could be the year we elect a gridlock-proof Senate majority that can overcome Republican obstruction and pass a sweeping Democratic agenda. There are at least 11 races where we could pick up seats.

That's why you need to help the DSCC meet its $2.25 million fundraising goal before the critical end-of-quarter FEC deadline. The combined strength of thousands of contributions today - including yours - can help us make the early investments necessary for victory in November.

Click here to make an immediate, secure contribution of $5 or more. Act before June 30 and a group of Democratic Senators will match your gift 2-to-1, instantly TRIPLING your impact.

Thank you for your continued support. I've attached Senator Obama's message in case you missed it.

Harry Reid

BIG CHANGES NEED BIG MAJORITIES - Donate by June 30 and your gift will be TRIPLED.

No matter where I've gone in this country, I've met working Americans who feel like the American dream is slipping out of reach. They're working harder for less. The cost of everything from a tank of gas to a bag of groceries, from health care to college tuition, is going up and up. It's getting harder to save and harder to retire. And that's why so many Americans are counting on us to win in November and bring about the change they so desperately need.

The stakes could not be higher. And the choice could not be clearer: at this defining moment in American history, we can continue the failed Bush economic policies that are stretching wallets and straining families and the failed Bush foreign policies that haven't made us safer. Or we can seize this moment by turning the page on the policies of the past, and offering a new direction for the country we love.

Over the course of this historic campaign, almost 40 million people have made their intention clear. They want a new direction - and they want a Democratic president to make it happen.

But a new President alone isn't enough.

I've served long enough in the U.S. Senate to know that Washington must change, and I also know that big changes don't happen without big Senate majorities - and right now, Democrats occupy only 49 seats.

This November, we have a chance to create a Democratic Senate majority like we haven't seen in decades - but it won't happen on its own. For eighteen months, Sen. Hillary Clinton and I counted on people like you to support our campaigns for president - and now I am asking you to do the same for a tremendous slate of Democratic Senate candidates by supporting the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

I know you may have never given to the DSCC before, but even a $5 contribution is enough to make a difference when it adds to our growing strength.

The DSCC delivered historic victories in the 2006 midterm elections, and they will do so again this year if a massive wave of committed Democrats get behind them before this critical second quarter fundraising deadline.

Click here to make a contribution of $5 or more to help expand the Democratic Senate majority in 2008. This quarterly fundraising deadline is so important that everything you give before June 30 will be matched two-to-one by a group of Democratic senators, effectively tripling your contribution.

For the past few months, the pundits and the cynics have been focused on what divides us. But now it is time for Democrats to unite around the causes we share.

It's time to build an economy that rewards not just wealth but work and the workers who create it, and provide affordable, quality health care for all who want it.

It's time to free ourselves from the tyranny of oil so we can get gas prices under control, stop funding both sides in the war on terror, and save this planet for our children.

And it's time to bring our troops home from a war in Iraq that should have never been authorized and never been waged, and bring the hammer down on the terrorists who still remain at large in Afghanistan.

These are the causes we stand for. These are the causes our Democratic Senate candidates stand for.

Tens of thousands of $5 and $20 contributions from Democrats like you give the DSCC everything they need to win in November. The DSCC is helping us compete in every Senate race by constantly monitoring what attacks need to be answered, what precincts need to be organized, and where your money can make the most impact.

Take it from someone who just finished one grueling campaign, and is just starting another: elections are won or lost months before they even happen. The DSCC is already hard at work laying the groundwork for victory in battleground states across the country. They need you right now to keep the momentum going.

Click here to make a contribution of $5 or more to help expand the Democratic Senate majority in 2008. This quarterly fundraising deadline is so important that everything you give before June 30 will be matched two-to-one by a group of Democratic senators, effectively tripling your contribution.

This is our time. With your help and the help of thousands of others, we will bring change to America.

The DSCC is doing everything it can to expand our Democratic majority. We must do the same.

Let's get to work.


Barack Obama

Big changes need big majorities. Help the DSCC make history in November. Give by June 30 and your donation will be tripled.

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Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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