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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

[vinnomot] Re: [notun_bangladesh] Congenital Lier Aga Chou Caught Red Handed

 Dear Faruque bahi n Salauddin Bhai
Thanks .You duly say about this
great AGACHA.
Blind pro indian Agacha!!!

Salahuddin Ayubi <> wrote:
The AGACHA has become senile and he does not know what he is saying and what he is doing. What he says has no relevnce to the country or its people but there are his chamchas who show his faltu katha as major headlines in the news paper.  He is a big bloody talker and nothing else. You will be alright if you treat him as a big bloody humbug.
                 Salahuddin Ayubi

Faruque Alamgir <> wrote:


The great congenital lier and "Kolonko" on the forehead of Journalism Aga Chou has been caught lyiing. There is news in  news paper  in Dhaka about a film being made by  the kolonkito Aga Chou.

Yesterday we received a mail with the news that the lier expressed his satisfaction that the Mega Amitabh has agreed to play the role of Sheikh Mujib and his son and daughter-in-law also would act in a film on Sheikh Mujib entitled "The poet of Politics(?)".

But the truth is that the Mega Amitabh in a Press conference organized in Mumbai has categorically denied to have given any such consent to act nor involvement of his family members in the  film  "The poet of Politics(?)" of   Aga Chou. He further said in  the  news conference that  "he was suprised hearing such  false news moreover he does not even know the fictitious producer(Aga Chou)" and urged the journalists to let the peoplke know about it.

So, Bangladeshis be aware of any write up or info from this congenital lier Aga Chou. He is out there with other  followers to act against Bangladesh's image, sanctity and entity. Sutoraang   "......Hoitey Shabdhan" as written in front of people's houses.

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Faruque Alamgir

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